Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Metamorphosis

Marxist Approach

The Metamorphosis

              The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka is well written excerpt describing how a hard working man, Gregor Samsa wakes up one day as a monstronous bug. Its interesting to see how he doubts such a thing can happen but then move on and continues to struggle to get through his morning routine, and get to work.

           He perceives himself as a bug , a low dispicable creature. He must see himself that way based on his social class, and how his boss treats him. Not only does one see themselves as the status they are born in to, but everyone views them the way society looks upon them.

            The man who transformed into a huge bug was stuck in his routine, he was stuck,and he was miserable. I wouldn't say one who is in a different social class has it any better. Anyone in any class can feel dragged down and worthless, stuck in a routine but it definately doesn't help to be in lower class, a class viewed of lesser importance.

            I can very much relate to the struggle of getting out of bed each morning. I wouldn't neccesarliy connect my job to the struggle but perhaps my lack of sleep from my busy social life the night before. I, unlike the main character, do enjoy my job but I can definately see how one can feel stuck in their social class.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



The Hitchhiker

          The “Hitchhiker” by Twilight Zone was an enthralling clip which kept me engaged through out the whole episode. The background music was eerie, perfectly expressing what the content conveyed. It captured the viewer’s attention very well, pertaining to its content exactly. I also found that since it was black and white it created some sort of mysterious and unkown vibe which kept it interesting to watch.

          At the beginning of the episode it portrayed a woman as quite independent, venturing out on her own on a road trip cross county. She started from New York and headed all the way to California. Along her way she repeatedly passes by a “Hitchhiker”. He appears strange and as time goes on, and keeps reappearing, she becomes more and more frightened.

             As the story develops one quickly realizes that this seeminlgy brave woman is not as compentant as she might think. Her first obstacle she encounters is a flat tire. The clip shows a man, strong and capable who comes to help her. Once fixed, along her stops she meets more men. Most of them speak to her in a condenscing manner, scolding her, or one who would stop for such a hitchhiker would be foolish.  Another man completely ignores her pleading requests for help, turning his back on a woman in need of help. She was portrayed as extremely frightened and weak, crying for assistance of others. ONe kind man, lured in by her sweet words joins her for the ride, only to selfishly get as far as he needs. Eventually he left her as well, cuz she was seemingly crazy, swerving out of the way for this "Hitchhiker".

           This clip portrays men as strong and fearless. The main character is the only woman in the clip and she is looked at as weak and dillusional. Its a great clip though from a feminist approach, I'm sure one would like to see a man as the main character.