Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Metamorphosis

Marxist Approach

The Metamorphosis

              The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka is well written excerpt describing how a hard working man, Gregor Samsa wakes up one day as a monstronous bug. Its interesting to see how he doubts such a thing can happen but then move on and continues to struggle to get through his morning routine, and get to work.

           He perceives himself as a bug , a low dispicable creature. He must see himself that way based on his social class, and how his boss treats him. Not only does one see themselves as the status they are born in to, but everyone views them the way society looks upon them.

            The man who transformed into a huge bug was stuck in his routine, he was stuck,and he was miserable. I wouldn't say one who is in a different social class has it any better. Anyone in any class can feel dragged down and worthless, stuck in a routine but it definately doesn't help to be in lower class, a class viewed of lesser importance.

            I can very much relate to the struggle of getting out of bed each morning. I wouldn't neccesarliy connect my job to the struggle but perhaps my lack of sleep from my busy social life the night before. I, unlike the main character, do enjoy my job but I can definately see how one can feel stuck in their social class.

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