Tuesday, July 16, 2013


My Background:

            There are so many stories and details in how my parents found and chose to follow the religion I was raised in, and now follow on my own accord. My parents were both born Jewish, as any child of a Jewish mother is born, though they were not raised keeping much of their religion. As they grew older and studied they both became associated with the same group within Orthodox Judaism, called Chabad-Lubavitch. There are many different orthodox Jews and within Judaism there are many sects. Each sect follows the same one bible and same rabbis and laws. Within each sect stem different ideologies and different Rabbis. The Rabbi we look up to and follow is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, whom we refer to as "The Rebbe". Chabad-Lubavitch is one the largest groups of Judaism. Our main philosophy's focus is Mind over heart, and finding g-dliness in mundane matters. The Rebbe was one recognized worldly and preformed many miracles through his blessings. His way on life and followers are known to view life through pure Happiness with a strong belief in G-d.

My Story:

         Within my religion having a family life and many children is looked greatly upon. When my parents got married it was difficult for them to conceive children. Many people, Jewish or Non-Jewish would write letters or stand in line to have a word with the Rebbe. He would advise people on many decisions and bless them. My parents went to the Rebbe to get a blessing for a child which they received. During my mom's pregnancy there were complications and advice from doctors to have an abortion. My parent got in contact with the Rebbe again, who strongly blessed them. Months later my parents gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl, my older sister.
          After going through not having children for awhile and a complicated pregnancy my mom wrote a thank you letter to the Rebbe, thanking him for his blessings. As she was writing she looked out of her front window and saw her childless friend, and put her name in at the bottom, requesting a blessing for her. Nine months from when she wrote the thank you letter her friend gave birth to a boy. A couple weeks before I was born, a surprise to my parents.

We strongly believe that when you pray for someone else you get blessed, you get blessed first. I strongly feel connected to this man and know that I was born from a great blessing, a blessing originally for someone else. 

Me and My Older Sister

1 comment:

  1. That is thee cutest picture I have ever seen of two beautiful little girls !!!
